All Leadership Role Descriptions & FAQs
Table of Contents for this page (click to scroll where you need)
Why Take on a Leadership Role?
...because Visibility + Credibility = Profitability
BNI leaders know their role and speak to the room. They interact with and mentor visitors, substitutes, members.
BNI Leaders benefit from Visibility.
BNI Leaders keep the chapter running efficiently. Their consistent visibility and leadership efforts builds trust.
Trust builds Credibility.
Our leaders create supportive, growth-focused chapters. Their visibility while doing so earns them credibility.
Visibility & Credibility lead to Profitability.
⭐ President
Facilitates a smooth, timely meeting by following BNI Weekly Meeting Agenda and ensures meeting starts and stops on time.
Focuses on educating visitors about BNI.
Ensures all leaders are fulfilling their responsibilities.
Provides direction & motivation for Chapter to meet goals.
Communicates weekly with Chapter Coach/Director Consultant and/or Chapter Area Director.
Skills/Attributes Needed:
Learns to run the BNI Weekly Meeting Agenda without reading from a script so meeting offers good energy.
Effectively delegates to leaders in other roles.
Runs first half of monthly Chapter Success Meeting.
Attends LT Roundtables. On the rare occasion you cannot attend, a Leadership Team support member may substitute for you.
Must possess strong computer skills.
Must consistently check and respond to BNI-related emails.
Must complete role-specific Leadership Team training in BNI Business Builder (or attend in-person training, if available).
Link to Role Training in BNI Business Builder:
[end of topic]
⭐ Vice President
The Vice President, along with the 4 Membership Committee chairs, manage the chapter.
They work collaboratively to conduct interviews, onboard new members, make venue decisions, and uphold BNI policies.
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Chairs the Membership Committee (MC); conducts monthly and brief weekly MC meetings.
Ensures all Membership Applications are being reviewed; confirms chapter issues are handled in timely manner.
Alongside Membership Committee, makes decisions about venues, policies, memberships, applications, BNI policy, and sets expectation within BNI guidelines.
Presents the VP report at weekly meetings, per BNI Meeting Agenda.
Keeps accurate records of attendance, referrals given and received, visitors, One-to-Ones and closed business.
Submits the PALMS Report after EACH meeting.
Enforces attendance policy by sending out letters as prescribed and by assigning MC Members any follow-up phone calls.
Ensures mentor program is fully implemented.
Prepares for 7-month check-ins.
Helps motivate Chapter to achieve goals.
Skills/Attributes Needed:
Capable of holding ALL members accountable. BNI policies and procedures apply equally to every member, regardless of their time in BNI or their TYFCB.
Prepared to uphold BNI policies and procedures.
Must be detail-oriented, good at delegation.
Ensures MC performs their roles.
Ensures member Accountability Letters are sent, as required.
Motivates chapter to fulfill goals.
Capable of making Member and Applicant decisions that affect the Chapter's long-term health.
Runs second half of monthly Chapter Success Meeting.
Attends LT Roundtables. On the rare occasion you cannot attend, a Leadership Team support member may substitute for you.
Must possess strong computer skills.
Must consistently check and respond to BNI-related emails.
Must complete role-specific Leadership Team training in BNI Business Builder (or attend in-person training, if available).
Link to Role Training in BNI Business Builder:
[end of topic]
⭐ Secretary-Treasurer
Tracks, announces, and collects venue fees.
Maintains 4-6 weeks of speaker rotation & topics in BNI Connect.
Introduces weekly speakers during meetings.
Provides direction to the Chapter.
Ensures all members are correctly listed on chapter roster.
Maintains Monthly Budget reports .
Skills/Attributes Needed:
Must be reliable and trustworthy to handle Chapter funds.
Good attention to detail; timely at completing action items (i.e. weekly/monthly deposits and balancing of Chapter funds)
Attends first half of monthly Chapter Success Meeting.
Attends LT Roundtables. On the rare occasion you cannot attend, a Leadership Team support member may substitute for you.
Must possess strong computer skills.
Must consistently check and respond to BNI-related emails.
Must complete role-specific Leadership Team training in BNI Business Builder (or attend in-person training, if available).
Link to Role Training in BNI Business Builder:
[end of topic]
⭐ MC Chair #1: Community Builder
The Vice President, along with the 4 Membership Committee chairs, manage the chapter.
They work collaboratively to conduct interviews, onboard new members, make venue decisions, and uphold BNI policies.
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Maintains and communicates the Top 10 list of most wanted professional classifications.
Schedules visitor events.
Communicates with Chapter Coach/Director Consultant and/or Chapter Area Director.
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Additional responsibilities of all 4 Roles:
Reviews and selects applicants for Chapter membership by conducting interviews, checking references, and holding One-to-Ones with applicants
Follows up on attendance by making friendly phone calls that reinforce attendance policy.
Makes decisions related to issues arising with Chapter members
Coaches members so they're more successful.
Skills/Attributes Needed in all 4 Roles:
Appreciates how BNI Policies support the Chapter success.
Consistently enforces policies and makes decisions.
Completes action items in timely manner.
Attends entire monthly Chapter Success Meeting.
Attends LT Roundtables. On the rare occasion you cannot attend, a Leadership Team support member may substitute for you.
Must possess strong computer skills.
Must consistently check and respond to BNI-related emails.
Must complete role-specific Leadership Team training in BNI Business Builder (or attend in-person training, if available).
Link to Role Training in BNI Business Builder:
[end of topic]
⭐ MC Chair #2: Member Engagement
The Vice President, along with the 4 Membership Committee chairs, manage the chapter.
They work collaboratively to conduct interviews, onboard new members, make venue decisions, and uphold BNI policies.
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Encourages member participation in the Power of One.
Reviews Traffic Lights and PALMS reports to engage struggling members.
Communicates with Mentor Coordinator to ensure new members are engaged in the Mentor or Passport Program.
Ensures all renewals are approved/declined in timely manner.
Communicates with Chapter Coach/Director Consultant and/or Chapter Area Director.
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Additional responsibilities of all 4 Roles:
Reviews and selects applicants for Chapter membership by conducting interviews, checking references, and holding One-to-Ones with applicants
Follows up on attendance by making friendly phone calls that reinforce attendance policy.
Makes decisions related to issues arising with Chapter members
Coaches members so they're more successful.
Skills/Attributes Needed in all 4 Roles:
Appreciates how BNI Policies support the Chapter success.
Consistently enforces policies and makes decisions.
Completes action items in timely manner.
Attends entire monthly Chapter Success Meeting.
Attends LT Roundtables. On the rare occasion you cannot attend, a Leadership Team support member may substitute for you.
Must possess strong computer skills.
Must consistently check and respond to BNI-related emails.
Must complete role-specific Leadership Team training in BNI Business Builder (or attend in-person training, if available).
Link to Role Training in BNI Business Builder:
[end of topic]
⭐ MC Chair #3: Member Relations
The Vice President, along with the 4 Membership Committee chairs, manage the chapter.
They work collaboratively to conduct interviews, onboard new members, make venue decisions, and uphold BNI policies.
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Follows the structured conflict resolution process as defined in the training manual.
Identifies any leading indicators that might cause concern.
Deals with classification conflict within the chapter.
Communicates with Chapter Coach/Director Consultant and/or Chapter Area Director regarding any conflicts.
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Additional responsibilities of all 4 Roles:
Reviews and selects applicants for Chapter membership by conducting interviews, checking references, and holding One-to-Ones with applicants
Follows up on attendance by making friendly phone calls that reinforce attendance policy.
Makes decisions related to issues arising with Chapter members
Coaches members so they're more successful.
Skills/Attributes Needed in all 4 Roles:
Appreciates how BNI Policies support the Chapter success.
Consistently enforces policies and makes decisions.
Completes action items in timely manner.
Attends entire monthly Chapter Success Meeting.
Attends LT Roundtables. On the rare occasion you cannot attend, a Leadership Team support member may substitute for you.
Must possess strong computer skills.
Must consistently check and respond to BNI-related emails.
Must complete role-specific Leadership Team training in BNI Business Builder (or attend in-person training, if available).
Link to Role Training in BNI Business Builder:
[end of topic]
⭐ MC Chair #4: Quality Assurance
The Vice President, along with the 4 Membership Committee chairs, manage the chapter.
They work collaboratively to conduct interviews, onboard new members, make venue decisions, and uphold BNI policies.
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Before they are accepted into the chapter, verifies that Applicants are high-quality business professionals and offer a strategic fit within the chapter.
Ensures application process is running efficiently (New Member approval/decline process should take no longer than 2 weeks)
Ensures 7-month check-in interviews are consistently occurring.
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Additional responsibilities of all 4 Roles:
Reviews and selects applicants for Chapter membership by conducting interviews, checking references, and holding One-to-Ones with applicants
Follows up on attendance by making friendly phone calls that reinforce attendance policy.
Makes decisions related to issues arising with Chapter members
Coaches members so they're more successful.
Skills/Attributes Needed in all 4 Roles:
Appreciates how BNI Policies support the Chapter success.
Consistently enforces policies and makes decisions.
Completes action items in timely manner.
Must possess strong computer skills.
Attends entire monthly Chapter Success Meeting.
Attends LT Roundtables. On the rare occasion you cannot attend, a Leadership Team support member may substitute for you.
Must possess strong computer skills.
Must consistently check and respond to BNI-related emails.
Must complete role-specific Leadership Team training in BNI Business Builder (or attend in-person training, if available).
Link to Role Training in BNI Business Builder:
[end of topic]
⭐ Education Coordinator
The Education Coordinator plays a key role by educating chapter members, visitors and guests on BNI-related topics.
Researches, reviews, and references BNI-related podcasts, books, blogposts, videos and BNI Business Builder online courses.
Works closely with President, VP and other leaders to educate Chapter-specific issues that arise (i.e. inviting more visitors, or the attendance policy).
Prepare a 2-3 minute Networking Education Moment every week.
Skills/Attributes Needed:
Possesses solid public speaking skills.
Good communicator.
Enjoys learning and sharing information.
Motivates people to reach goals.
Enjoys researching educational topics.
Must possess strong computer skills.
Must consistently check and respond to BNI-related emails.
Must complete role-specific Leadership Team training in BNI Business Builder (or attend in-person training, if available).
Link to Role Training in BNI Business Builder:
[end of topic]
⭐ Visitor Hosts
"You never get another chance to make a first impression."
BEFORE meeting:
Set up Visitor registration table before meeting starts.
For BNI online chapters - they ensure the networking breakout rooms are pre-set up and visitors are engaged with in those rooms.
Manage all visitor sign-ins & introductions.
Strive to make a positive first impression to visitors and member substitutes.
Greet with a friendly face.
Give them a brief overview of what to expect.
DURING meeting:
Conduct visitor orientation:
Answer questions.
Explain application process and payment options.
Encourage applying.
AFTER meeting:
In BNI Connect® visitor portal:
Confirm attendance of all pre-registered visitors who attended.
Manually enters any visitors who attended but did NOT pre-register.
Follow up with visitors by a phone call within 24 hours of meeting.
Notify VP if Visitor supplies need to be ordered.
Skills/Attributes Needed:
Ability to build and maintain a strong, energetic Visitor Host team.
Values arriving early for meetings. Consistently prompt each week.
Has a positive, energetic outlook.
Enjoys finding commonalities in others and loves connecting people.
Solid skills with answering visitor questions about BNI®.
Able to address and overcome objections during visitor orientation.
Requirements for all Visitor Hosts:
Must possess strong computer skills.
Must consistently check and respond to BNI-related emails.
Must complete role-specific Leadership Team training in BNI Business Builder (or attend in-person training, if available).
Link to Role Training in BNI Business Builder:
[end of topic]
⭐ Mentor Coordinator
Mentor Coordinator is responsible for New Member experience and engagement.
Communicates with Chapter President, VP, and MC to know what new members they will be inducted soon.
Conducts New Member Orientation
Manages the Mentor / Passport Program.
Assigns 10 Member Mentor roles.
Ensures each Member Mentor is reaching out to the new member in a timely manner (not the other way around)
Ensures each Mentor has their one-page guide for the mentoring topic they are assigned.
Helps New Members schedule one-to-ones with existing members who can assist them with specific topics.
Follows up weekly with New Members to ensure progress is occurring.
Skills/Attributes Needed:
Comfortable connecting new Members with existing Members.
Willing and able to follow a proven process.
Organized enough to know where all new Members are in their mentoring program process.
Attends first half of monthly Chapter Success Meeting.
Must possess strong computer skills.
Must consistently check and respond to BNI-related emails.
Must complete role-specific Leadership Team training in BNI Business Builder (or attend in-person training, if available).
Link to Role Training in BNI Business Builder:
[end of topic]
⭐ Communications Coordinator
(section under construction)
This role can be one person OR the role can be split.
Manage the chapter's Facebook page / public group and any other social media platforms.
Ensure adherence to BNI branding standards <insert link>
Announce upcoming BNI-related courses/workshops/events during weekly Chapter meeting.
Lead by example
Read the BNI Corporate newsletters for content.
Members personal events are not announced during the Communications Coordinators part in the agenda.
Skills/Attributes Needed:
Must possess strong computer skills.
Must consistently check and respond to BNI-related emails.
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The FAQs
How are Leadership Team Elected?
Chapter nominate members for every role.
How long is the term in office?
All leaders are required commit to serve for 12 months.
If a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer steps down during the term, that Officer could be asked to resign from their chapter altogether.
How often am I required to attend Leadership Team orientation?
All roles must have completed the Member Success Program in the prior 12 months to taking on the role.
All roles must complete role-specific Leadership Team training online, in BNI Business Builder (or attend in-person training, if available).
President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer, and MC members are required to attend LT Roundtables.
The BNI Franchise Agreement requires that all Executive leaders (P, VP, S/T, MC) are trained for a minimum of 12 hours a year.
In order for us to meet our Franchise Agreement, officers are required to the all of the following:
Complete online orientation (and/or in-person LT training if it's available)
Participate in monthly LT Roundtables.
Is LT Training required for Visitor Hosts or Mentor Coordinators?
Yes, they are required to attend. Often, people accept these roles and have no idea what to do, or how the role should have a positive impact on the chapter. The Chapter's strength relies heavily on how well ALL Leaders perform their job.
LT Training provides all Leaders with tools needed to make a difference in their chapter’s success.
LT training creates opportunities to network. It develops leadership skills.
What are the costs for Leadership Team Training?
No costs.
What reports are required?
Chapter Success Meetings
Every Leader plays a part in the monthly Chapter Success Meeting (CSM). Multiple reports are generated for this monthly meeting
First half of CSM is run by the President.
Required attendees for 1st half: President, VP, Sec/Treas, Membership Committee, Mentor Coordinator
Second half of CSM is run by the Vice President
Required attendees for 2nd half: VP, Membership Committee
VP is responsible for submitting PALMS reports in BNI Connect, within 48 hours after every Chapter meeting.
Do Membership Committee Chairs have to attend orientation?
Yes. The Membership Committee is the backbone of the chapter.
BNI is constantly looking at ways of improving our membership. New policies are adopted, new procedures are put into place and ways of improving the chapters are constantly discussed.
MC members who fail to attend training will often derail the chapter process.
As an Leader, do I pay membership dues while in office?
Yes. Before taking office, the incoming officer MUST have at least 60 days remaining on their membership.
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