Member Renewal Timelines
Table of Contents for this page (click to scroll where you need)
1. Renewal Sequence of Events, Important Notes & Deadlines
🟠 Sequence of Events (Step 1: Chapter, Steps 2 & 3: Member, Step 4: Regional Admin)
Chapter finishes approval. Members are auto-emailed an invite to renew/pay.
Member finishes application.
Member finishes payment.
Regional Admin reconciles App + Payment together, finishing the renewal.
🟠 Important Renewal Notes
Everyone follows the same renewal process. (This includes non-profits whose fees are waived)
You MUST renew on the web...not on the mobile app.
🟠 Know Your Renewal Deadlines!
(Visual learner? See graphics below)
Day 1 (e.g., Jan 1, 2024) - Deadline is always the 1st of the month.
Day 2 (e.g., Jan 2, 2024) - Late fee is automatically added. Grace period starts.
Day 15 (e.g., Jan 15, 2024) - Grace period ends.
Day 16 (e.g., Jan 16, 2024) - Member automatically drops from chapter roster. .
👇See these Renewal Graphics! 👇
If you cannot log in to renew, submit a support ticket here.
2. Apply and Pay for your Renewal
A V O I D P R O C R A S T I N A T I N G !
If your chapter approves your renewal, OPEN your approval email and APPLY for RENEWAL then.
⭐ Consider joining Leadership!⭐